Fr. Riccardo discusses the power of witness in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. John looks at the people who had a transformative influence on his life, particularly the saints and martyrs who gave their lives in witness to the faith. A videotaped recording of Fr. John's talk may be viewed on the parish website.
Direct download: RDD032917.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 12:07pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. John discusses various ways that we can grow as disciples and how we can learn to discern God's voice. He looks at what is and what is not required for intentional discipleship, and cites many examples of ordinary people who dropped their nets to follow Jesus. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily032617_12_Rerouting11.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:46am EDT

Fr. Pierre Ingram looks at Jesus as the way in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. Pierre examines the topic of discipleship from the perspective of someone who wants to give himself or herself completely to Jesus. A videotaped recording of Fr. Pierre's talk may be viewed on the parish website

Direct download: RDD032217.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 12:51pm EDT

Fr. Pierre Ingram preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. Pierre uses sacred scripture to look at Christian conversion. He tells the congregants that love of God can allow us to stop living for ourselves and to grow as His disciples. He concludes by offering suggestions on how we can learn to share our faith with others. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily031917_12_Rerouting10.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:54am EDT

The Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session for this week was a period of Eucharistic Adoration. This is a podcast of Fr. Riccardo's opening remarks.

Direct download: RDD031517.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 7:27pm EDT

Fr. Prentice Tipton preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. Prentice discusses God's agenda for us, and looks at Mary's anointing of the feet of Jesus as an extravagant gesture of love (John 12). Fr. Prentice concludes by offering the congregants a tangible way to respond to Jesus for all that He has done for us. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily031217_10_Rerouting09.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 10:36am EDT

Fr. Prentice Tipton reviews our progress along the Rerouting timeline and discusses what it means to be a missionary disciple in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. Prentice guides the participants in a training exercise for sharing the gospel with others. A videotaped recording of Fr. Prentice's talk may be viewed on the parish website. The scheduled March 1st Rerouting Deeper Dive session was cancelled due to a power outage the the church.

Direct download: RDD030817.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 5:13pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. John looks to scripture to reveal Mary as the new Eve and Jesus as the new Adam. He continues by discussing why Jesus came, and how He has restored the bridge by laying down His life for us. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily030517_05_Rerouting08.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 8:27am EDT

Fr. Riccardo tells the congregation that the point of Lent is conversion in this homily from the Ash Wednesday school Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John looks at the importance of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to help us on the path to conversion during this season. Fr. John concludes by discussing a simple way to think about Lent.

Direct download: AshWednesday2017.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:24pm EDT





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