Mon, 26 December 2011
In this homily from Christmas Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregation to ask God to give them eyes to see and a mind to understand all that God has done for them. Fr. John remarks that adults can learn from watching how children approach Christmas with a sense of awe and wonder. |
Sun, 18 December 2011
While reflectng on the Announciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from today's gospel reading (Luke 1:26-38), Fr. Riccardo asks, "What makes it possible for Mary to say yes?" |
Sun, 11 December 2011
Fr. Riccardo tells the congregation that God wants us to walk out of Mass each Sunday transformed. He wants us to be made holy through our participation in the liturgy, and to become more like Him. While reflecting on the readings of this day (Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28), Fr. John remarks that we should leave Mass with God's love spilling out of us and onto those we encounter each day. |
Mon, 5 December 2011
While reflecting on events in the parish during the past week and on the day's scripture readings (Is 40:1-5, 9-11; 2 Pt 3:8-11; Mk 1:1-8), Fr. Riccardo asks, "What is the purpose of time?" Fr. John suggests that God gives us time so that we might come to know Him, so that we might change our ways, and so that we might change the immediate world in which we live. |
Sun, 20 November 2011
While reflecting on the gospel reading from St. Matthew (Mt 25:31-46), Fr. Riccardo reflects on judgment day. Fr. John encourages the congregation to "wake up to living rightly," and to look for Jesus in the faces of those we encounter in our daily lives. |
Mon, 14 November 2011
Fr. Riccardo tells the congregation that God wants to judge us, and that His judgment need not be negative. While considering the gospel reading from St. Matthew (Mt 25:14-30), Fr. John encourages the congregation to consider how they are using the gifts that God has bestowed on each of us. |
Wed, 9 November 2011
Fr. Riccardo's homily from the Memorial Mass for Prenatal and Stillborn Loss is presented here. |
Wed, 9 November 2011
On November 8th, Fr. Riccardo presided at a memorial Mass for parents who have experienced the painful loss of a young child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or other traumatic events. This is a podcast of the audio from that Mass with minimal edits. It is presented here in an effort to offer consolation to parents everywhere who have experienced such a loss, with our prayer that Our Lady of Good Counsel will comfort you in your sorrow. The parish community thanks vocalist Karen Ervin and our music directory, Matthew Samelak, for their assistance with this liturgy. |
Sat, 5 November 2011
Fr. Riccardo recognizes parish volunteers in this homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. While honoring parishioners as Pillars of the Parish, Fr. John reminds the congregation of the importance of expressions of gratitude and encourges them to show gratitude to God for all that He has done for us. |
Sun, 30 October 2011
Fr. Riccardo discusses the new Roman Missal in this homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John remarks that the changes in the new translation of the prayers used at Mass provide us an opportunity for a renewal of our faith and provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the mystery of the Mass. |
Sat, 8 October 2011
Fr. Riccardo discusses the state of the parish is this homily for the October 8-9 weekend. |
Sun, 2 October 2011
Father Riccardo asks the congregation, "What are we doing with the investment that God has made in us?" While reflecting on the readings of this day (Is 5:1-7, Phil 4:6-9, and Mt 21:33-43) and on the Sacrament of Confirmation being celebrated this afternoon at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Fr. John encourages the congregation to pray for our confirmandi and ask the Holy Spirit to descend in power upon them for the purpose of bearing fruit in their lives. |
Sun, 25 September 2011
While considering the readings of this day (Ez 18:25-28, Phil 2:1-11, and Mt 21:28-32), Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that we are not defined by our pasts and that God is appealing to us to come home. Fr.John encourages the congregation to turn to the Lord and let Him live and love through us. |
Sun, 18 September 2011
While reflecting on the parable of the landowner from today's gospel reading (Mt 20:1-16a), Fr. Riccardo discusses the sin of envy. Fr. John reminds the congregation that the remedy for envy is gratitude, and he encourages everyone to consider all that God has done for them. |
Wed, 7 September 2011
This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated at the start of the new school year. |
Sun, 4 September 2011
In this homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Fr. Riccardo discusses God's vision for our lives. While reflecting on the day's second reading from St. Paul (Rom 13:8-10), Fr. John reminds the congregation that God's commandments are a direct gift to each us and can guide each of us to a successful life. |
Sat, 20 August 2011
Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregation to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation in this homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. While reflecting on the gospel reading from St. Matthew (Mt 16:13-20), Fr. John discusses statistics regarding catholics and confession and reminds the congregation that God is always merciful. |
Wed, 17 August 2011
While reflecting on today's gospel account from St. Matthew (Mt 14:22-33), Fr. Riccardo remarks that all of life is a storm with endless opportunities for fear and anxiety. Fr. John reminds us that in times of need we need to remember that we have a loving Savior whose power is beyond all comprehension. He encourages us to keep our eyes on Jesus. |
Mon, 1 August 2011
While reflecting on the readings of this day (Is 55:1-3, Rom 8:35, 37-39, and Mt 14:13-21), Fr. Riccardo recounts the many miracles performed by Jesus. Fr. John reminds the congregation that the greatest miracle of all occurs each day at Mass, when bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ. Fr. John encourages the congregation to ask God to help them understand what is happening as they prepare to encounter Christ in the Eucharist. |
Sun, 24 July 2011
Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation to reflect on the question posed by Jesus in the gospel reading from St. Matthew (Mt 13:44-52), "Do you understand all these things?" Fr. John encourages us to beg the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, that we might grow in knowledge of the Lord and build a relationship with the Father. |
Sun, 17 July 2011
Fr. Riccardo encourages parishioners to serve the parish as Ministers of Hospitality in this video podcast in standard definition. It should play in iTunes, using Apple's QuickTime movie player software, on an AppleTV, or on a video iPod. It is a 113 MB download, so a broadband connection is recommended. |
Sun, 17 July 2011
While reflecting on the readings for this day (Wis 12:13, 16-19; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43), Fr. Riccardo encourages parishioners to serve the parish as Ministers of Hospitality. |
Sat, 25 June 2011
In this homily for The Feast of Corpus Christi, Fr. Riccardo repeats his exhortation from last week by reminding the congregation that they should come to Mass expecting to hear God speak to them. While reflecting on the gospel reading from St. John (Jn 6:51-58), Fr. John encourages the congregation to bring their Bible and a journal to Mass each Sunday. |
Wed, 22 June 2011
Each year Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel with a Streamer Day Mass to recognize the eighth grade students who will soon complete their final studies at the elementary school. Fr. Riccardo's homily from this year's Mass is presented here. |
Sun, 19 June 2011
Fr. Riccardo reflects on his recent visit to preach at Kensington Church in Troy while discussing our expectations for Mass. Fr. John suggests to the congregation that they bring their bibles to Mass, along with a journal and a pen. Fr. John encourages them to read His word, and to expect to hear God's voice. |
Sat, 18 June 2011
Fr. Riccardo addresses a gathering at Kensington Church in Troy, Michigan over the Memorial Day weekend. Father John Riccardo at Kensington 5/28/11 from Kensington on Vimeo.
-- posted at: 1:05pm EDT
Sun, 5 June 2011
On the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Fr. Riccardo addressed a congregation that included a group of recent high school and college graduates from the parish. Fr. John offers his advice to the graduates in this homily from the 10 AM Mass. The readings for this day are Acts 1:1-11, Eph 1:17-23, and Mt 28:16-20. |
Sun, 29 May 2011
While reflecting on the readings for this day (Acts 8:5-8 and 14-17, 1 Pt 3:15-18, Jn 14:15-21), Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation whether they know and love God. Father John discusses Psalm 23 and its implications for our lives. He reminds us that the Holy Spirit can make known the Father, and will answer our cries in times on need. |
Sun, 8 May 2011
Fr. Riccardo discusses the role of parents as the primary educators of their children in the ways of faith in this homily for Mother's Day. Fr. John recounts his own mother's journey to the realization of the truth of the resurrection while encouraging parents to model the faith for their children. The readings for this day are: Acts 2:14, 22-23; 1 Pt 1:17-21; and Lk 24:13-35. |
Sun, 1 May 2011
In this homily for the Feast of Divine Mercy, Fr. Riccardo discusses the origin of the feast day and reminds the congregation that God is rich in mercy and loves to forgive. Fr. John cites Blessed John Paul II and Mary as icons of forgiveness, and exorts the congregation to show mercy and forgiveness to others. |
Sun, 24 April 2011
In this homiy from the Easter Vigil Mass, Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that God has acted on our behalf. Fr. John remarks that God has become man to fight for us against Satan, sin, and death and has destroyed these three tyrannical regimes through Christ's death on the cross and resurrection. |
Sat, 16 April 2011
Fr. Riccardo offers suggestions for Holy Week in this Palm Sunday homily. |
Sun, 10 April 2011
While reflecting on St. John's gospel account (Jn 11:1-45) of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that nothing is impossible for Jesus. |
Sun, 3 April 2011
While addressing a congregation that includes candidates in the RCIA program, Fr. Riccardo discusses the sacrament of baptism. Fr. John reminds the audience that baptism opens our eyes and gives us, through faith, a way of knowing the truth about Jesus. The readings for this day are 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Eph 5:8-14; and Jn 9:1-41.
Sun, 27 March 2011
While reflecting on the scripture readings of the day (Ex 17:3-7, Rom 5:1-2, 5-8, Jn 4:5-42), Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation, "How do we quench God's thirst?" |
Mon, 21 March 2011
While reflecting on the gospel account of St. Matthew (Mt 17:1-9) of the Transfiguration of Jesus, Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that Jesus redeemed the world by His cross and resurrection, and that God is weaving something beautiful out of all of our suffering. |
Wed, 16 March 2011
From Sunday, March 13th, through Wednesday, March 16th, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is conducting a parish mission titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. Fr. Riccardo is presenting evening sessions each night beginning at 7 PM. This is Fr. John's homily from the Wednesday evening concluding Mass.
Direct download: ParishMission2011-Wednesday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 9:24pm EDT |
Tue, 15 March 2011
From Sunday, March 13th, through Wednesday, March 16th, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is conducting a parish mission titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. Fr. Riccardo is presenting evening sessions each night beginning at 7 PM. This is Fr. John's presentation from the Tuesday evening session. His handouts for this session are available for download.
Direct download: ParishMission2011-Tuesday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 10:05pm EDT |
Mon, 14 March 2011
From Sunday, March 13th, through Wednesday, March 16th, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is conducting a parish mission titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. Fr. Riccardo is presenting evening sessions each night beginning at 7 PM. This is Fr. John's presentation from the Monday evening session. |
Sun, 13 March 2011
From Sunday, March 13th, through Wednesday, March 16th, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is conducting a parish mission titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. Fr. Riccardo is presenting evening sessions each night beginning at 7 PM. This is Fr. John's presentation from the Sunday evening session. His bibliography for the parish mission is available for download. |
Sat, 12 March 2011
While addressing a congregation that includes participants in the parish's CYO program, Fr. Riccardo reminds the audience that Jesus has come to give the definitive response to the lies and accusations of Satan. While reflecting on the readings (Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7, Rom 5:12-19, Mt 4:1-11) of the day, Fr. John remarks, "For in His cross, Jesus shows us beyond a doubt that God is good, that He is kind, that He is merciful, that He is very patient, that He does care, and that He loves us." |
Sun, 6 March 2011
While reflecting on the gospel reading from St. Matthew (Mt 7:21-27), Fr. Riccardo discusses what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Fr. John reminds the congregation that to be a disciple one must surrender their life to God. |
Wed, 2 March 2011
From September 2010 through March 2011, Fr. Riccardo is presenting a series of talks on The Theology of the Body, a series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences between 1979 and 1984. This podcast is from Fr. John's talk on March 2nd. A handout for this presentation is available for download. Fr. Riccardo refers to articles published by E. Christian Brugger of the Culture of Life Foundation. These articles are available here and here. |
Mon, 14 February 2011
This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the 2011 Catholic Schools Week Mass. |
Sun, 13 February 2011
Father Riccardo discusses the Sacrament of Marriage in this homily from the 10 Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. The gospel reading for this day is Matthew 5:17-37. |
Wed, 9 February 2011
From September 2010 through March 2011, Fr. Riccardo is presenting a series of talks on The Theology of the Body, a series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences between 1979 and 1984. This podcast is from Fr. John's talk on February 9th. A handout for this presentation is available for download. |
Tue, 8 February 2011
Fr. Riccardo challenges the congregation to recognize Jesus in His "distressing disguise" in this homily from the 8 AM Mass at OLGC. The readings for this day are Is 58:7-10, 1 Cor 2:1-5, Mt 5:13-16. |
Wed, 26 January 2011
From September 2010 through March 2011, Fr. Riccardo is presenting a series of talks on The Theology of the Body, a series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences between 1979 and 1984. This podcast is from Fr. John's talk on January 26th. A handout for this presentation is available for download. Additional materials mentioned by Fr. John may be found online at The Economist, Newsweek, and the Catholic Education Resource Center. Bernini's sculpture The Ecstasy of St. Teresa may be viewed here. |
Sat, 22 January 2011
While addressing a congregation including Confirmandi and their sponsors, Fr. Riccardo asks, "What does it mean to live as a disciple of Jesus?" On this anniversary of the U.S Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, Fr. John reminds the congregation of the dignity, value, and innate worth of every human life. |
Thu, 20 January 2011
From September 2010 through March 2011, Fr. Riccardo is presenting a series of talks on The Theology of the Body, a series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences between 1979 and 1984. This podcast is from Fr. John's talk on January 19th. A handout for this presentation is available for download. |
Wed, 12 January 2011
From September 2010 through March 2011, Fr. Riccardo is presenting a series of talks on The Theology of the Body, a series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II during his Wednesday audiences between 1979 and 1984. This podcast is from Fr. John's talk on January 12th. A handout for this presentation is available for download. |
Sun, 9 January 2011
In this homily for The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Fr. Riccardo discusses the task and duty given to parents on the occasion of the baptism of their child. In particular, Fr. John emphasizes the obligation of parents to bring their children to Mass every week. |
Fri, 7 January 2011
In October of 2010, Fr. Riccardo led a pilgrimage to Poland. This video podcast was recorded on January 5th, as Fr. John and other pilgrims shared their reflections and photos from that trip. This podcast is 78 minutes in length, and the download size exceeds 500 MB. Please be patient as the download completes. A broadband Internet connection is recommended. The podcast should play in Apple's iTunes application, or in other applications that support the Apple QuickTime video format. |
Wed, 5 January 2011
On December 1, 2010, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish hosted An Evening of Reflection and Prayer on Grief and Hope. Fr. Riccardo's talk, titled Staying in Touch with Our Beloved, aired on his radio program Christ is the Answer. This podcast also contains the presentation of Mr. Paddy Lynch, a licensed funeral director (Lynch & Sons) and Director of Youth Ministry at Holy Name Church in Birmingham, Michigan.
Direct download: Staying_in_Touch_with_Our_Beloved.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 11:19am EDT |
Sun, 2 January 2011
In this homily for the Feast of the Epiphany, Fr. Riccardo compares the actions of the Magi with our own actions at Mass. Fr. John asks, "When was the last time you and I worshipped God?" Fr. John encourages the congregation to respond actively for all the God has done for us. |
Sat, 1 January 2011
Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation to make a commitment to pray the rosary daily, and to ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Patroness, to intercede on our behalf for our families and for married couples. |