While reflecting on the stories of a group of people on his mind in a particular way this Christmas, Fr. Riccardo tells the congregants that if we invite Jesus into our lives, He will work to heal, restore, transform, and recreate our lives out of the messy situations that we may find ourselves in during this season.

Direct download: Christmas2017-MidnightMass.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 4:47pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo looks at our response to all that God has done for us while discussing the judgment day. Fr. John describes the marriage between Christ and the church while telling the congregants that good works alone are insufficient when rendering an account for our lives. What will our response be when we are asked by Jesus, "Do you love me?"

Direct download: Homily111217.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 9:33am EDT

This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the Saturday evening Vigil Mass for the Fatima Conference.

Direct download: FC2017-ClosingMassHomily.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:42pm EDT

Saturday Talk #5: “Fatima and the Problem of Russia: The Consecration and the Errors Spoken of by Our Lady,” Dr. William Thomas.

Direct download: FC2017-DrWilliamThomas2.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:39pm EDT

Saturday Talk #4: “The Authenticity of the Miracle of the Sun, October 13, 1917: Scientific Proof of the Defiance of All Cosmic Laws,” Gary Michuta.

Direct download: FC2017-GaryMichuta.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:38pm EDT

Saturday Talk #3: “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” Colin Donovan.

Direct download: FC2017-ColinDonovan2.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:35pm EDT

Saturday Talk #2: “And a Great Sign Appeared in the Sky…The Lady of Genesis and Revelation: Mary’s Universal and Spiritual Motherhood and Her Powerful Intercession,” Dr. Robert Fastiggi.

Direct download: FC2017-DrRobertFastiggi2.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:33pm EDT

Saturday Talk #1: “Heroic Virtues of St. Francisco Marto and St. Jacinta Marto,” Sister Irenaeus, O.P., Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

Direct download: FC2017-SrIrenaeus2.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:31pm EDT

This is Fr. Dave Tomaszycki's homily from the Saturday morning Mass for the Fatima Conference.

Direct download: FC2017-SaturdayMorningMassHomily.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:29pm EDT

This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the Friday evening Mass for the Fatima Conference.

Direct download: FC2017-FridayEveningMassHomily.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:26pm EDT

Mr. Colin Donovan discusses the newly canonized saints Franciso and Jacinta Marto and leads the attendees in reciting the Litany of St. Francisco Marto and St. Jacinta Marto.

Direct download: FC2017-ColinDonovan.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:24pm EDT

Talk #4: “Penance, Penance, Penance–The First Saturday Devotion in Reparation for the Blasphemies Committed Against Mary’s Immaculate Heart,” Sister Irenaeus, O.P., Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

Direct download: FC2017-SrIrenaeus.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:18pm EDT

Talk #3: “Fatima: Actualities and Events, 1917-2017,” Dr. William Thomas.

Direct download: FC2017-DrWilliamThomas.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:15pm EDT

Talk #2: “From the Cloud of Mt. Carmel to the Miracle of the Sun: The Prophecy of Elijah Revealed,” Dr. Robert Fastiggi.

Direct download: FC2017-DrRobertFastiggi.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:13pm EDT

Talk #1: Have Nothing to Do with the Dragon, Fr. John Riccardo.

Direct download: FC2017-FrRiccardo.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:11pm EDT

This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the opening Mass for the Fatima Conference.

Direct download: FC2017-OpeningMassHomily.m4a
Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:08pm EDT

On October 13 & 14, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish hosted the Our Lady of Fatima 100th Anniversary Conference presented by A Call to Mary. The program for this conference may be downloaded here. This two day conference began on the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Portugal. Audio files from the Mass homilies and talks are archived on Fr. Riccardo's podcast site.

Category:Fatima Conference -- posted at: 12:05pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo continues to breakdown Archbishop Vigneron's pastoral letter Unleash the Gospel in this homily from the 10 AM Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John describes how a chance encounter with a gentleman on a golf course led to a life-changing encounter with Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. John remarks that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who goes looking for His lost sheep so that he may bring us back and save us from our pasts.

Direct download: Homily100117_10_1.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 3:26pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo discusses some important events from his mother's life and the importance of absolution while beginning to breakdown Archbishop Vigneron's pastoral letter Unleash the Gospel.

Direct download: Homily090317_12.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:18pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo looks at the reasons why Pope Pius XII defined the dogma of the Assumption of Mary in 1950 and what Jesus might want to say to each of us as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Direct download: Homily081517_8.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:39am EDT

Fr. Riccardo reflects on his recent vacation in Utah while discussing the importance of changing the routines in our lives. Fr. John encourages the congregants to spend time reading the word of God while letting Him knead His truth, love and mercy in our minds, hearts and wills. Whoever has ears ought to hear (MT 13:43).

Direct download: Homily072317.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:53am EDT

This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the school Mass concluding the 2016-17 school year.

Direct download: Homily061517.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 11:27am EDT

Fr. Riccardo addresses the eighth grade graduating class of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School in this homily from the 2017 Graduation Mass while honoring Principal Czaplicki and Fr. John Simoneau.

Direct download: GraduationMassHomily2017.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 11:25am EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at the 4 PM Mass honoring parish members completing their high school or college studies. Fr. John tells the graduates that happiness is only found through friendship with God and with each other. He encourages them to pray for great friends. He remarks that the foundational source of security is knowledge that God is good and that he will give what is needed. Fr. John concludes by tell the graduates that the commandments of God are not arbitrary, but were given out of love. He encourages the graduates to use their minds when their faith is under attack.

Direct download: Homily061017.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:10am EDT

Fr. Riccardo presided at the Vigil Mass for the Feast of Pentecost at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John uses an image of Mary from the Announciation to encourage us to be receptive to the Holy Spirit. He invites the congregation to read Unleash the Gospel, a pastoral letter from Archbishop Allen Vigneron detailing the roadmap for the future of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Fr. Riccardo tells the congregants that our community of Plymouth can be changed if we are receptive to the Holy Spirit.

Direct download: PentecostVigilMass2017.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:05am EDT

Fr. John Simoneau preached at all of the Masses at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church this past weekend. Fr. John discusses the five building blocks of the Holy Spirit in this homily from the 5 PM Mass. Fr. John looks at Mary as our ideal set before us by God to guide us to the Father.

Direct download: FJSHomily052117_5.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:54pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the masses this weekend at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. In this homily from the 10 AM Mass, Fr. John tells the congregation that God is an architect with a blueprint for our lives and for our parish. While reflecting on the readings of this day (ACTS 6:1-7, 1 PT 2:4-9, JN 14:1-12) and on St. Paul's first letter to the church in Corinth (1 COR 3:9-10) Fr. John discusses the role of the laity as living stones in the spiritual house that is our parish.

Direct download: Homily051417_10.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:43am EDT

Deacon Chris Stark, Executive Director of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, preached at all of the Masses this past weekend at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Deacon Chris described the founding of the society by Blessed Frederic Ozanam nearly 200 years ago, and the many ways that the society serves people in need locally and around the world. Deacon Chris encourages the congregants to bring gently used clothing to OLGC on the weekend of May 13 & 14 to support the society with their bundle drive. Monetary donations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Detroit may be made using this link.

Direct download: Homily050717_5.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:45am EDT

Fr. Prentice Tipton preached at all of the Masses this past weekend at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. In this homily from the 5 PM Mass, Fr. Prentice looks at the remarkable transformation of the apostles from Jesus' crucifixion to Pentecost. Fr. Prentice tells the congregants that the sins of our present and of our past cannot disqualify us from one day becoming holy, and that the Church is the place where every sinner has a future.

Direct download: FPTHomily043017_5.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:49am EDT

This is Fr. Prentice Tipton's homily from the 8 AM Easter Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. Prentice concludes his homily for the Rerouting series by asking, "What have we done with our freedom?" After reflecting on the baptisms he witnessed during the Easter Vigil Mass the previous evening, Fr. Prentice reminds the congregants that the shackles of sin are broken through the power of Christ's resurrection.

Direct download: FPTEaster2017.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 5:25pm EDT

This is Fr. John Simoneau's homily from the 10:30 AM Easter Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John concludes his homily for the Rerouting series by telling the congregants that they have reason to hope. Fr. John points out that the world is in the state that it is in due to continued doubt that Christ is the key to happiness. He encourages us not to be ashamed to be recognized as followers of Christ in our daily interactions with others.

Direct download: FJSEaster2017.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 5:14pm EDT

This is Fr. Pierre Ingram's homily from the 1 PM Easter Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. Pierre concludes his homily for the Rerouting series by looking at the empty tomb as the cradle of the catholic church, the task of discipleship, and the truth of the resurrection.

Direct download: FPIEaster2017.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:33pm EDT

In this homily from the Easter Vigil Mass, Fr. Riccardo discusses what comes next. As the parish concludes the fourteen week long Rerouting series, Fr. John tells the congregation that Jesus has risen and there is work to do. Fr. John offers several concrete suggestions for ways that we can live our lives in a manner that makes God tangible to each other and to all who meet us.

Direct download: EasterVigil2017.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 12:02pm EDT

Fr. Pierre Ingram discusses the toll road in this homily from the 5 PM Mass at OLGC for the Rerouting series. Fr. Pierre encourages the congregants to make an inventory of all of the sins of their lives and to express gratitude to God that they have all been washed away by the blood of Christ. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: FPIHomily040917.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:23am EDT

Fr. Riccardo discusses the toll road while continuing the Rerouting series. Fr. John asks the congregation, "What amount is due for the sins of our whole lives?" As we enter Holy Week, Fr. Riccardo suggests that we set aside time this week to watch The Passion of the Christ and to make a life-long examination of our lives. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily040917_8.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:06am EDT

Fr. John Simoneau looks at what is involved in crossing the border in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. John encourages the audience members to move outside their comfort zones to bring others to Christ. A videotaped recording of Fr. John's talk may be viewed on the parish website.
Direct download: RDD040517.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 11:41am EDT

Fr. John Simoneau preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. John looks at what it means to cross the "border" while debunking the voices we may hear along the way. Fr. John uses the words of Pope Benedict XVI to remind the congregants that we have nothing to lose by letting Christ in our lives. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily040217_08_Rerouting12.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:34am EDT

Fr. Riccardo discusses the power of witness in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. John looks at the people who had a transformative influence on his life, particularly the saints and martyrs who gave their lives in witness to the faith. A videotaped recording of Fr. John's talk may be viewed on the parish website.
Direct download: RDD032917.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 12:07pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. John discusses various ways that we can grow as disciples and how we can learn to discern God's voice. He looks at what is and what is not required for intentional discipleship, and cites many examples of ordinary people who dropped their nets to follow Jesus. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily032617_12_Rerouting11.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:46am EDT

Fr. Pierre Ingram looks at Jesus as the way in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. Pierre examines the topic of discipleship from the perspective of someone who wants to give himself or herself completely to Jesus. A videotaped recording of Fr. Pierre's talk may be viewed on the parish website

Direct download: RDD032217.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 12:51pm EDT

Fr. Pierre Ingram preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. Pierre uses sacred scripture to look at Christian conversion. He tells the congregants that love of God can allow us to stop living for ourselves and to grow as His disciples. He concludes by offering suggestions on how we can learn to share our faith with others. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily031917_12_Rerouting10.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:54am EDT

The Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session for this week was a period of Eucharistic Adoration. This is a podcast of Fr. Riccardo's opening remarks.

Direct download: RDD031517.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 7:27pm EDT

Fr. Prentice Tipton preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. Prentice discusses God's agenda for us, and looks at Mary's anointing of the feet of Jesus as an extravagant gesture of love (John 12). Fr. Prentice concludes by offering the congregants a tangible way to respond to Jesus for all that He has done for us. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily031217_10_Rerouting09.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 10:36am EDT

Fr. Prentice Tipton reviews our progress along the Rerouting timeline and discusses what it means to be a missionary disciple in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. Prentice guides the participants in a training exercise for sharing the gospel with others. A videotaped recording of Fr. Prentice's talk may be viewed on the parish website. The scheduled March 1st Rerouting Deeper Dive session was cancelled due to a power outage the the church.

Direct download: RDD030817.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 5:13pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. John looks to scripture to reveal Mary as the new Eve and Jesus as the new Adam. He continues by discussing why Jesus came, and how He has restored the bridge by laying down His life for us. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily030517_05_Rerouting08.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 8:27am EDT

Fr. Riccardo tells the congregation that the point of Lent is conversion in this homily from the Ash Wednesday school Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John looks at the importance of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to help us on the path to conversion during this season. Fr. John concludes by discussing a simple way to think about Lent.

Direct download: AshWednesday2017.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:24pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. John discusses man's rebellion against God by looking at what God reveals in Genesis 3. He discusses the identity of the serpent, temptation and rebellion, the seriousness of sin, and God's reaction to man's rebellion. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily022617_10_Rerouting07.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 8:17am EDT

Fr. Riccardo looks at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. John attempts to expose and reveal the Father's heart by looking at His response to our rebellion.  A videotaped recording of Fr. John's talk may be viewed on the parish website. This audio podcast includes Fr. John's commentary, and the closing question and answer session.

Direct download: RDD022217.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 1:49pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. John discusses God's covenant with man and the good news regarding marriage found in Genesis 2. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily021917_12_Rerouting06.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 11:04am EDT

Fr. Riccardo looks at the Road Work Ahead in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. John uses a video clip from Louie Giglio titled How Great is Our God to try to put perspective on the creation story from Genesis 1. A videotaped recording of Fr. John's talk may be viewed on the parish website. This audio podcast contains Fr. John's opening remarks, and the closing question and answer session which followed the video and small group discussion session.

Direct download: RDD021517.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 1:42pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. John discusses the Road Work Ahead by looking at what God reveals in Genesis 1. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily021117_04_Rerouting05.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 11:14am EDT

Deacon Dave Carignan looks at the Fog Areas in our lives that can obscure the path to missionary discipleship in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Deacon Dave discusses proper preparation for the spiritual battles that will be encountered on the discipleship path. A videotaped recording of Deacon Dave's talk may be viewed on the parish website.

Direct download: RDD020818.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:00am EDT

Deacon Dave Carignan preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Deacon Dave looks at the Fog Areas in our lives that can keep us form seeing reality clearly. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily020517_10_Rerouting04.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:03am EDT

Fr. Riccardo provides an overview of our position on the Rerouting road map,  discusses the opening scenes from Saving Private Ryan, looks at the teachings on the Mass from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and offers some resources for deeper study. A videotaped recording of Fr. John's talk may be viewed on the parish website.

Direct download: RDD020117.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 6:55pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Each Mass opened with the final scenes from the 1998 movie Saving Private Ryan. Fr. John uses the scene to tell the congregants that when we come to Mass we are at the foot of the cross confronted by Jesus' love, mercy, and self-sacrifice. Fr. John tells us that Jesus is the emergency vehicle who has come to rescue each of us from sin, from death, from hell, and from emptiness. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish is hosting Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily012917_12_Rerouting03.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 3:47pm EDT

Fr. Pierre Ingram focuses on the key On Ramps that have the potential to put us back on the proper path in this Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive session. Fr. Pierre discusses healthy and mutated understandings of faith, church, parish, laity, conversion, and missionary discipleship in this talk from January 25th. 

Direct download: RDD012517.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 11:40am EDT

Fr. Pierre Ingram preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to continue the Rerouting series. Fr. Pierre focuses on the On Ramps that have the potential to put us back on the proper path. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish will host Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily012217_12_Rerouting02.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 1:34pm EDT

Fr. Prentice Tipton discusses what it means to be a missionary disciple in the first of the Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions. Fr. Prentice looks at the strong correlation between the Mass and our mission as disciples.

Direct download: RDD011817.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 12:36pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo preached at all of the weekend Masses this past weekend to begin the Rerouting series. Rerouting will help answer the deepest questions in your heart by connecting the Mass and the story of sacred scripture with your own life. Over the next fourteen weeks, weekend homilies will look at these questions. In addition to the Sunday homilies, the parish will host Wednesday evening Rerouting Deeper Dive sessions to help pave the way. Resources for Rerouting, including video taped sessions and outlines, may be found on the parish website.

Direct download: Homily011517_12_Rerouting01.m4a
Category:Rerouting -- posted at: 9:10am EDT

In this homily from the noon Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church for the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God Fr. Riccardo reflects on events from the past year and proposes that the parishioners continue to set aside Wednesdays as days of fasting and prayer for marriages, families, and for priests.

Direct download: Homily010117.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:21pm EDT





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