While reflecting on the readings for this first Sunday of Advent, Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that God is a faithful Father who is attentive to our needs and who keeps His promises.
Direct download: Homily112908.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 6:04pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation to consider completing works of mercy during this upcoming Advent season. While reflecting on the gospel reading from Matthew for the Feast of Christ the King, Fr. John encourages the parishioners to "reach out to serve the needs of Him in His distressing disguise."
Direct download: Homily112398.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:45pm EDT

While reflecting on his recent mission trip to Mexico City, Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation to "sincerely strive to use God's gifts to make a difference in other people's lives."
Direct download: Homily111608.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 11:31am EDT

Catholicism for Cradle Catholics-Session 4 Fr. Riccardo shares photos of his recent pilgrimage to Lourdes, Loyola, Santiago de Compostela, and Fatima in this session of Catholicism for Cradle Catholics. This presentation is in video format, and should play within iTunes or QuickTime. This file is nearly 500 MB in size. Please be patient and wait for it to download. A broadband connection is highly recommended.
Direct download: Pilgrimage2008.m4v
Category:Catholicism for Cradle Catholics -- posted at: 2:25pm EDT

In this homily for the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of St. John Lateran, Fr. Riccardo discusses the three senses of the word temple as found in the scripture readings for this day.
Direct download: Homily110808.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:06pm EDT

In his homily for the Feast of All Souls, Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregation to seek sainthood.
Direct download: Homily110208.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 1:44pm EDT





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