Sun, 25 September 2011
While considering the readings of this day (Ez 18:25-28, Phil 2:1-11, and Mt 21:28-32), Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that we are not defined by our pasts and that God is appealing to us to come home. Fr.John encourages the congregation to turn to the Lord and let Him live and love through us. |
Sun, 18 September 2011
While reflecting on the parable of the landowner from today's gospel reading (Mt 20:1-16a), Fr. Riccardo discusses the sin of envy. Fr. John reminds the congregation that the remedy for envy is gratitude, and he encourages everyone to consider all that God has done for them. |
Wed, 7 September 2011
This is Fr. Riccardo's homily from the Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated at the start of the new school year. |
Sun, 4 September 2011
In this homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Fr. Riccardo discusses God's vision for our lives. While reflecting on the day's second reading from St. Paul (Rom 13:8-10), Fr. John reminds the congregation that God's commandments are a direct gift to each us and can guide each of us to a successful life. |