The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th.  Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep.  This podcast is from the Tuesday night session.

Direct download: ParishMission2012-Tuesday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 9:54pm EDT

The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th.  Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep.  This podcast is from the Monday night session.

Direct download: ParishMission2012-Monday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 9:31pm EDT

The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th.  Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep.  This podcast is from the Sunday night session.

Direct download: ParishMission2012-Sunday.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 12:41pm EDT

The annual parish mission is being held from February 26th to February 29th.  Fr. Michael Fones, O.P., is leading this year's mission titled Put Out Into the Deep.  This is Fr. Fones homily from the 5 PM Mass prior to the start of the mission.

Direct download: Homily022612.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:03pm EDT

While considering the gospel reading from St. Mark (Mk 2:1-12), Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation to bring their concerns and prayer intentions to the altar of the Lord at the offeratory.

Direct download: Homily021912.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 1:57pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo discusses the recent health care mandate from the Department of Health and Human Services.  Fr. John shares a letter from Most Rev. Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, posted on the diocesan website.  Fr. John encourages the congregation to vist the Michigan Catholc Conference website and the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops website to learn about this issue.  He also aks the parishioners to set aside Presidents' Day, February 20th, as a day of prayer and fasting as a parish family for our country and our leaders.

Direct download: Homily020412.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 6:11pm EDT





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