In his homily for Christmas, Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregation to use the evidence of history to study the person of Jesus (His life, His death, and His resurrection) in order to learn the good news of His story.
Direct download: ChristmasHomily122508.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:55pm EDT

In this homily for the fourth Sunday of Advent, Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation to resolve to pray for each other daily in these times of uncertainty.
Direct download: Homily122108.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:13am EDT

In this homily for the second Sunday of Advent, Fr. Riccardo discusses the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Direct download: Homily120708.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 11:13am EDT

While reflecting on the readings for this first Sunday of Advent, Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that God is a faithful Father who is attentive to our needs and who keeps His promises.
Direct download: Homily112908.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 6:04pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation to consider completing works of mercy during this upcoming Advent season. While reflecting on the gospel reading from Matthew for the Feast of Christ the King, Fr. John encourages the parishioners to "reach out to serve the needs of Him in His distressing disguise."
Direct download: Homily112398.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:45pm EDT

While reflecting on his recent mission trip to Mexico City, Fr. Riccardo asks the congregation to "sincerely strive to use God's gifts to make a difference in other people's lives."
Direct download: Homily111608.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 11:31am EDT

Catholicism for Cradle Catholics-Session 4 Fr. Riccardo shares photos of his recent pilgrimage to Lourdes, Loyola, Santiago de Compostela, and Fatima in this session of Catholicism for Cradle Catholics. This presentation is in video format, and should play within iTunes or QuickTime. This file is nearly 500 MB in size. Please be patient and wait for it to download. A broadband connection is highly recommended.
Direct download: Pilgrimage2008.m4v
Category:Catholicism for Cradle Catholics -- posted at: 2:25pm EDT

In this homily for the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of St. John Lateran, Fr. Riccardo discusses the three senses of the word temple as found in the scripture readings for this day.
Direct download: Homily110808.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:06pm EDT

In his homily for the Feast of All Souls, Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregation to seek sainthood.
Direct download: Homily110208.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 1:44pm EDT

Catholicism for Cradle Catholics-Session 3 Fr. Riccardo addresses the topic Praying With Our Lady in this third session of a series of talks titled Catholicism for Cradle Catholics.
Direct download: PrayingWithOurLady.m4a
Category:Catholicism for Cradle Catholics -- posted at: 10:30pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo discusses his recent pilgrimage to Lourdes, Fatima, Loyola, and Santiago de Compostela in his weekly homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Fr. John also reads a letter from Cardinal Adam Maida, Archbishop of Detroit, concerning Michigan ballot proposal 2. The Cardinal urges the congregation to vote no on this proposal, which would amend the state constitution to permit research on human embryos.
Direct download: Homily102608.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:47pm EDT

While reflecting on today's scripture readings, Fr. Riccardo discusses his imminent pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes. Fr. John encourages the congregation to live lives rooted in God and to act like men and women who are clothed in Jesus.
Direct download: Homily101208.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 2:18pm EDT

Catholicism for Cradle Catholics-Session 2 Fr. Riccardo addresses the topic Praying With Scripture in this second session of a series of talks titled Catholicism for Cradle Catholics. The handouts referenced in this podcast may be downloaded here.
Direct download: PrayingWithScripture.m4a
Category:Catholicism for Cradle Catholics -- posted at: 2:43pm EDT

In this homily for Respect Life Sunday, Fr. Riccardo discusses embryonic stem cell research and encourages the congregation to vote no on Michigan Ballot Proposal 2 on November 4th.
Direct download: Homily100508.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 7:34pm EDT

Catholicism for Cradle Catholics-Session 1 Fr. Riccardo addresses the topic of Prayer-The One Thing Necessary in this first session of a new series of talks titled Catholicism for Cradle Catholics. The handouts referenced in this podcast may be downloaded here.
Direct download: PrayerTheOneThingNecessary.m4a
Category:Catholicism for Cradle Catholics -- posted at: 8:44am EDT

The Most Urgent Crisis of Our Day-Fr. John Riccardo Fr. Riccardo discusses The Most Urgent Crisis of Our Day in this inaugural address for the Dignity of Life Speaker Series sponsored by the Gospel of Life Group at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish.
Direct download: DignityOfLife092408.m4a
Category:Dignity of Life Speaker Series -- posted at: 9:54pm EDT

In his weekly homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel, Fr. Riccardo challenges the congregation to speak out when they see people in danger.
Direct download: Homily090608.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 9:52pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo reflects on the judgment day in his weekly homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church.
Direct download: Homily083108.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:31am EDT

While reflecting on today's Scripture readings, Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregation to seek a deep friendship and personal relationship with God. Fr. John states, "God is inviting us very personally to put Him first, to see things the way they really are, and as a result to find the happiness that only He can give."
Direct download: Homily072708.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 9:53am EDT

In his weekly homily, Fr. Riccardo discusses Humanae Vitae, the Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Paul VI on the regulation of birth which was promulgated on July 25, 1968.
Direct download: Homily072008.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:40pm EDT

In his weekly homily, Fr. Riccardo discusses the words of St. Paul from today's second reading. Fr. John reflects on the many sufferings enduring by St. Paul in his lifetime, and encourages the congregation to ask God for the gift of faith so that they might be able to live their lives full of hope, even in the midst of hardships and suffering.
Direct download: Homily071308.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 4:14pm EDT

The Spirit of the Liturgy-Part 4 While at St. Anastasia, Fr. Riccardo presented a Theology on Tap series of talks on Pope Benedict XVI's book The Spirit of the Liturgy. This is the last of four talks in the series.
Direct download: 04-Spirit_of_the_Liturgy-Small.mp3
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 2:14pm EDT

The Spirit of the Liturgy-Part 3 While at St. Anastasia, Fr. Riccardo presented a Theology on Tap series of talks on Pope Benedict XVI's book The Spirit of the Liturgy. This is the third of four talks in the series.
Direct download: 03-Spirit_of_the_Liturgy-Small.mp3
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 2:13pm EDT

The Spirit of the Liturgy-Part 2 While at St. Anastasia, Fr. Riccardo presented a Theology on Tap series of talks on Pope Benedict XVI's book The Spirit of the Liturgy. This is the second of four talks in the series.
Direct download: 02-Spirit_of_the_Liturgy-Small.mp3
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 2:11pm EDT

The Spirit of the Liturgy-Part 1 While at St. Anastasia, Fr. Riccardo presented a Theology on Tap series of talks on Pope Benedict XVI's book The Spirit of the Liturgy. This is the first of four talks in the series.
Direct download: 01-Spirit_of_the_Liturgy-Small.mp3
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 2:09pm EDT

In his weekly homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that, "Peace only comes from knowing God, from reading His word, and from regularly talking and listening to Him."
Direct download: Homily070608.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 9:57am EDT

June 5, 2008-Graduation Mass Homily Fr. Riccardo addressed the Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School eighth grade graduating class with this homily at the graduation mass on June 5, 2008. This is a video podcast in standard definition. It should play in iTunes, using Apple's QuickTime movie player, on an AppleTV, or on a video iPod. It is a 116 MB download, so a broadband connection is recommended.
Direct download: GraduationHomily2008.m4v
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 10:07pm EDT

In his weekly homily, Fr. Riccardo addresses the tasks and responsibilities that accompany the sacrament of baptism.
Direct download: Homily062208.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 3:22pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo honors his father, John J. Riccardo, in this homily for Father's Day. Fr. John reflects on the many ways in which his father reveals the Fatherhood of God.
Direct download: Homily061508.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:33pm EDT

This talk was the first in a series of retreat teachings presented a few years ago at the Cardinal Maida Institute in Plymouth, MI. This talk is an introduction to Pope John Paul II's teachings on The Theology of the Body.
Direct download: RetreatTeachings.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 8:25am EDT

This podcast is from a lenten mission talk presented by Fr. Riccardo several years ago at the Cardinal Maida Institute in Plymouth, Michigan. The title of the talk is Redemptive Suffering-The Supreme Power of Prayer By Those Who Suffer.
Direct download: RedemptiveSuffering_copy.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 7:38am EDT

This is an older presentation to a catholic men's night gathering on what it means to be a husband. The title of the talk is What Some Wives Want Their Husbands to Know.
Direct download: WivesWantHusbandsKnow.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 7:25am EDT

This is an older address for a family retreat day program at the Retreat Center at St. John's in Plymouth, Michigan.
Direct download: FamilyRetreatDay.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 7:19am EDT

This is an older address by Fr. Riccardo to fellow members of the clergy which looks at couples responses to Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body. This address was presented several years ago to a gathering at Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit.
Direct download: CouplesResponsesTheologyBody.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 7:11am EDT

Fr. Riccardo discusses God's mercy in his weekly homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel.
Direct download: Homily060708.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 7:55pm EDT

A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at the St. John Center for the Family in Plymouth, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Fr. John's teachings. Mrs. Mary DelPup is the primary speaker for this session of Bible Study for Couples.
Direct download: BibleStudyCouples-DiscipleshipOfMarriage.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 9:57am EDT

A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at the St. John Center for the Family in Plymouth, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Fr. John's teachings.
Direct download: BibleStudyCouples-SacramentalityOfMarriage.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 9:54am EDT

A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at the St. John Center for the Family in Plymouth, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Fr. John's teachings.
Direct download: BibleStudyCouples-Genesis2.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 9:52am EDT

A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at the St. John Center for the Family in Plymouth, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Fr. John's teachings.
Direct download: BibleStudyCouples-Genesis1.m4a
Category:Older Talks -- posted at: 9:49am EDT

A conference entitled The Eucharist and celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi was presented by the Real Presence Association of Michigan on May 24, 2008. The conference was hosted by Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. The gospel reading and Fr. Riccardo's homily are presented here.
Direct download: AdorationGospelHomily-FrRiccardo.m4a
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 10:12pm EDT

In his homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi, Fr. Riccardo reflects on the gift of the Eucharist. Fr. John tells the congregation that the Eucharist has within it the strength to enable each of us to grow in character, in virtue, in integrity, and in love.
Direct download: Homily052508.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 2:48pm EDT

In his weekly homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church for the Feast of the Holy Trinity, Fr. Riccardo discusses the healing power of God's love. He encourages the congregation to make that love visible to those we encounter each day.
Direct download: Homily051808.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:47am EDT

The Four Goods of Marriage:  Do You Know What You Have Gotten Into? On April 18th, Fr. Riccardo addressed the Family of Faith Apostolate meeting held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Father John's talk on The Four Goods of Marriage: Do You Know What You Have Gotten Into? was also broadcast on his weekly radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network.
Direct download: TheFourGoodsOfMarriage.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 12:33pm EDT

RCIA for Catholics-Session 11-What Happens at Mass This is the eleventh session of a series of presentations by Fr. Riccardo entitled "RCIA for Catholics."
Direct download: RCIAforCatholics-WhatHappensAtMass.m4a
Category:RCIA for Catholics -- posted at: 10:41am EDT

Remembrance of Pope John Paul II A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: RemembranceOfPopeJohnPaulII.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 8:02am EDT

What Is God's Will For My Life? A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: WhatIsGodsWillForMyLife.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

Commandment 8:  From the Same Mouth Come Blessing and Cursing A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: FromTheSameMouthComeBlessingAndCursing.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:58am EDT

Commandment 4:  What Ever Happened to Honor and Respect? A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: WhateverHappenedToHonorAndRespect.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:56am EDT

Commandment 3:  Whose Day is it Anyway? A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: WhoseDayIsItAnyway.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:54am EDT

Sunday Mass...Wake Up! A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: SundayMassWakeUp.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:49am EDT

Commandments 7 & 10:  Striving for Contentment with What We Have A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: StrivingForContentment.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:47am EDT

Commandments 6 & 9:  Cosmo, Maxim or the Catholic Church A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignment at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: CosmoMaxim.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:45am EDT

Sense and Sensibility Talk A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignments at the St. John Center for Youth and Family in Plymouth, MI and at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: SenseAndSensibilityTalk.mp3
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:43am EDT

We Have Reason to Believe-An Apologetic for the Resurrection A number of Fr. Riccardo's talks from his assignments at the St. John Center for Youth and Family in Plymouth, MI and at St. Anastasia in Troy, MI were recorded for broadcast on his radio program Christ is the Answer, which airs on the Ave Maria Radio Network. These older talks are being posted here in an effort to maintain a complete collection of Father John's teachings. The audio files here were prepared for publication at this site by 8th grade students in the Digital Media Class at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School.
Direct download: We_Have_Reason_to_Believe-An_Apologetic_for_the_Resurrection.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:28am EDT

On March 8, 2008, Fr. Riccardo addressed the 8th Annual Worcester Diocesan Catholic Men's Conference in Worcester, MA. Fr. John spoke on Confession: A Fireside Chat with the Lord. This podcast contains the audio and video from his address. It is posted in iPod video format and should play within the iTunes application, Apple Quicktime or on a video iPod. The file is over 350 MB in size, so patience is required for the download. A broadband connection to the Internet is recommended. An audio only version has also been posted for listeners using slower connections to the Internet.
Direct download: ConfessionFiresideChatWithTheLord.m4v
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

In his homily from the 4 PM mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregation to spend ten minutes each morning in prayer to Jesus. Father John invites the listeners to bring their fears, concerns, and anxieties to Jesus, and to expect Him to work in their lives.
Direct download: Homily050308.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:56pm EDT

RCIA for Catholics-Session 10-Prophetic Vocations of Women: The Urgent Need for Authentic Feminism This is the tenth session of a series of presentations by Fr. Riccardo entitled "RCIA for Catholics."
Direct download: RCIA_for_Catholics-Prophetic_Vocations_of_Women.m4a
Category:RCIA for Catholics -- posted at: 1:02pm EDT

On March 8, 2008, Fr. Riccardo addressed the 8th Annual Worcester Diocesan Catholic Men's Conference in Worcester, MA. Fr. John spoke on Confession: A Fireside Chat with the Lord. This podcast contains the audio from his address.
Direct download: WorcesterConfessionAudio.m4a
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 9:40am EDT

On April 12, 2008, the Archdiocese of Detroit 6th Annual Conference for Men entitled Put Out Into the Deep VI-Brothers in Christ Standing Together was held at the University of Detroit Mercy. Bishop Daniel Flores was the homilist for the closing mass celebrated by Cardinal Adam Maida.
Direct download: POITD6-BishopFlores.mp3
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 9:24am EDT

On April 12, 2008, the Archdiocese of Detroit 6th Annual Conference for Men entitled Put Out Into the Deep VI-Brothers in Christ Standing Together was held at the University of Detroit Mercy. Fr. Riccardo's addressed the conference on Gripping the Plow with Both Hands.
Direct download: POITD6-FrRiccardo.mp3
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 8:54am EDT

In his weekly homily, Fr. Riccardo discusses our need to get back to the basics. He encourages the congregation to establish a living, personal, and profound friendship with God.
Direct download: Homily042008.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 2:06pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo's talk from the 4th Put Out Into the Deep men's conference held in 2006. The talk is entitled What Will I Hear on that Day?.
Direct download: WhatWillIHearOnThatDay.m4a
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 2:35pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo's talk from the 3rd Put Out Into the Deep men's conference held in 2005. The talk is entitled Father or Adversary.
Direct download: FatherOrAdversary.m4a
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 2:32pm EDT

Fr. Riccardo's talk from the 2nd Put Out Into the Deep men's conference held in 2004. The talk is entitled Running the Race With Persistence. This podcast concludes with a partial recording of a Good Friday service from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church on The Last Seven Words of Christ.
Direct download: RunningTheRaceWithPersistence.m4a
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 2:22pm EDT

In his weekly homily, Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that the Mass is the greatest gift that God can give to us on this earth. It is where we most tangibly meet Him, where He offers to transform us, and where He offers hope to those who have lost hope.
Direct download: Homily040608.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 2:13pm EDT

The Choices We Face-A Voice for the Word (Audio Only) Audio only version of Fr. Riccardo's appearance on Mr. Ralph Martin's television show The Choices We Face. This MP3 version will be a much smaller download.
Direct download: VoiceWordAudio.m4a
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 2:10pm EDT

The Choices We Face-A Voice for the Word Fr. Riccardo was recently a guest on The Choices We Face, a television production of Renewal Ministries hosted by Mr. Ralph Martin. Father John spoke on the topic A Voice for the Word. The television interview has been posted here with the permission of Renewal Ministries. You may find additional information about Renewal Ministries at their website. This presentation is in video format, and should play within iTunes or QuickTime. This file is nearly 400 MB in size. Please be patient and wait for it to download. A broadband connection is highly recommended.
Direct download: AVoiceForTheWorld.mp4
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 1:40pm EDT

The Choices We Face-The Power of Forgiveness (Audio Only) Audio only version of Fr. Riccardo's appearance on Mr. Ralph Martin's television show The Choices We Face. This MP3 version will be a much smaller download.
Direct download: Forgiveness.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:53am EDT

In his homily for Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Riccardo discusses the gospel from the perspective of St. Thomas.
Direct download: Homily032908.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:28pm EDT

Easter Sunday Homily-March 23, 2008-8 AM Mass at OLGC In his homily for Easter Sunday, Fr. Riccardo reminds the congregation that Jesus is truly and bodily risen from the dead. To believe in God is to know that He exists, and to know that the last word belongs to Him.
Direct download: EasterHomily032308.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:55am EDT

Fr. Riccardo revisits his first talk from the initial Put Out Into the Deep men's conference held on March 1, 2003. The talk is entitled Meeting Him for the First Time and All Over Again. This talk is combined with a recent address by Fr. John to a Men's Conference in Massachusetts. Father's talk at that conference focused on Confession: A Fireside Chat with the Lord.
Direct download: MensConfOne-Confession.m4a
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 4:07pm EDT

The Choices We Face-The Power of Forgiveness Fr. Riccardo was recently a guest on The Choices We Face, a television production of Renewal Ministries hosted by Mr. Ralph Martin. Father John spoke on the topic of The Power of Forgiveness. The television interview has been posted here with the permission of Renewal Ministries. You may find additional information about Renewal Ministries at their website. This presentation is in video format, and should play within iTunes or QuickTime. This file is nearly 400 MB in size. Please be patient and wait for it to download. A broadband connection is highly recommended.
Direct download: Forgiveness.mp4
Category:iPod Video -- posted at: 2:56pm EDT

This interview of Fr. John was broadcast on 03/16/08 on WJR Radio. Fr. John was interviewed by host Jack Krasula for the radio program Anything is Possible!. The direct link to Jack's program site is here.
Direct download: AnythingIsPossible031608.mp3
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 10:50am EDT

Order of Malta Faith Conference 2008-Fr. John Riccardo The 2nd annual Order of Malta Faith Conference entitled Knowing Christ Jesus was held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church on January 26, 2008. This year's conference was a symposium on Pope Benedict XVI's book Jesus of Nazareth. This is Fr. Riccardo's talk at the conference.
Direct download: Malta2008-FrRiccardo.mp3
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 11:45am EDT

In his weekly homily, Fr. Riccardo asks Mary to continue to intercede for all of us that we may grow in a sincere hunger to know her Son and His bride, the Church.
Direct download: Homily030108.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 6:55pm EDT

While discussing John's gospel description of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, Fr. Riccardo reflects on what it means to have eternal life in his weekly homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church.
Direct download: Homily022408.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:41pm EDT

From November of 2004 through January of 2005, Fr. Riccardo presented a series of talks at St. Anastasia Catholic Church on Pope John Paul II's lectures on The Theology of the Body. These talks are being republished at this site in an effort to consolidate Fr. John's talks at a single Internet site. This is session 4 of 4.
Direct download: Theology_of_the_Body_4.mp3
Category:Theology of the Body -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

From November of 2004 through January of 2005, Fr. Riccardo presented a series of talks at St. Anastasia Catholic Church on Pope John Paul II's lectures on The Theology of the Body. These talks are being republished at this site in an effort to consolidate Fr. John's talks at a single Internet site. This is session 3 of 4.
Direct download: Theology_of_the_Body_3.mp3
Category:Theology of the Body -- posted at: 2:53pm EDT

From November of 2004 through January of 2005, Fr. Riccardo presented a series of talks at St. Anastasia Catholic Church on Pope John Paul II's lectures on The Theology of the Body. These talks are being republished at this site in an effort to consolidate Fr. John's talks at a single Internet site. This is session 2 of 4.
Direct download: Theology_of_the_Body_2.mp3
Category:Theology of the Body -- posted at: 2:51pm EDT

From November of 2004 through January of 2005, Fr. Riccardo presented a series of talks at St. Anastasia Catholic Church on Pope John Paul II's lectures on The Theology of the Body. These talks are being republished at this site in an effort to consolidate Fr. John's talks at a single Internet site. This is session 1 of 4.
Direct download: Theology_of_the_Body_1.mp3
Category:Theology of the Body -- posted at: 2:37pm EDT

In light of Matthew's gospel description of the transfiguration of Jesus, Fr. Riccardo tells the congregation of his experience during the past week attending the funeral of a young child. Fr. John reminds us that what we hear in church is the true reality, and has a profound impact on what happens in our lives. He reminds us that suffering and death don't have the last word. Fr. John tells us, "After the cross, not just His cross but our cross, comes the crown. And only after the cross."
Direct download: Homily021708.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 2:12pm EDT

Fr. John encourages the congregation to fall in love with God in his weekly homily from Our Lady of Good Counsel Church.
Direct download: Homily020908.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 7:09pm EDT

Prayer-Quality Time with Your Father Fr. Riccardo discusses the importance of prayer in this talk presented to Bravehearts, a men's group at St. Joseph Parish in Lake Orion, Michigan.
Direct download: Prayer-Quality_Time_with_Your_Father.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 11:49pm EDT

RCIA for Catholics-Session 8-What Does it Mean to be a Christian? Making the Most Out of Lent This is the eighth session of a series of presentations by Fr. Riccardo entitled "RCIA for Catholics."
Direct download: RCIA_for_Catholics-Lent.m4a
Category:RCIA for Catholics -- posted at: 10:43pm EDT

The Four Goods of Marriage Fr. Riccardo discusses the four goods of marriage: permanence, partnership, faithfulness, and fruitfulness in this talk which was given to conclude the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) classes during Fr. John's assignment as pastor of St. Anastasia Church. It has been republished here at his request. This presentation originally aired on his radio program "Christ is the Answer."
Direct download: FourGoodsOfMarriage.m4a
Category:Radio Broadcasts -- posted at: 7:41pm EDT

Session 4 of the parish mission conducted by Mr. Bill Wegner of Good News International, a catholic lay ministry. This is the final session of the mission.
Direct download: Mission012308.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 5:09pm EDT

Session 3 of the parish mission conducted by Mr. Bill Wegner of Good News International, a catholic lay ministry.
Direct download: Mission012208.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 4:50pm EDT

Session 2 of the parish mission conducted by Mr. Bill Wegner of Good News International, a catholic lay ministry.
Direct download: Mission012108.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 5:18pm EDT

Session 1 of the parish mission conducted by Mr. Bill Wegner of Good News International, a catholic lay ministry.
Direct download: Mission012008.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 5:05pm EDT

In preparation for the parish mission beginning this evening Fr. Riccardo discusses what it means to be a prophet, someone who speaks on God's behalf. In light of the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade, Fr. John encourages the congregation to speak up about the dignity and sanctity of human life. Mr. Bill Wegner, from Good News International, also addresses the congregation concerning the parish mission which will be held each evening at 7 PM from Sunday, Jan. 20th, through Wednesday, Jan. 23rd. Additional sessions will be held after the 8 AM masses on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.
Direct download: Homily012008.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 12:44pm EDT

In his homily for the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, Father Riccardo shares his thoughts on the recent memorial mass for the members of the Griffin/Burkman families. Father John asks, "Do we courageously reach out to others sharing our faith in God?"
Direct download: Homily011208.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 10:36am EDT





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