On Wednesday's during Lent, Fr. Riccardo is leading a scripture study to help participants experience the Word of God in a whole new way. Learn how to put yourself in the moment and encounter Jesus in scripture.

Direct download: LectioDivina022515.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 9:09pm EDT

In this homily for the first Sunday of Lent, Fr. Riccardo discusses the need for interior transformations. Fr. John encourages the congregants to spend time in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament asking God to show them the one thing that needs to change in their lives.

Direct download: Homily022215.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 8:14am EDT

Fr. Riccardo encourages the congregation to treat this lenten season seriously given the events happening to Christians today. Fr. John remarks that the purpose of Lent is to arrived changed come Easter, and encourages each congregant to ask God to show them the one place in their heart where they are most resistant to change.

Direct download: AshWednesdayHomily2015.m4a
Category:Homily -- posted at: 2:08pm EDT

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is hosting a five-week program looking at the biblical vision of marriage and family. In this final session, Deacon Jonathan Fasnacht discusses how parents can raise their children in the faith. Deacon Jonathan is a transitional deacon assigned to Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish prior to his ordination in June of 2015 for the Diocese of Winona (Minnesota). He is a seminarian at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.

Direct download: BVMSession5.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 4:03pm EDT

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish is hosting a five-week program looking at the biblical vision of marriage and family. In this fourth session, Mary DelPup focuses on the dignity and vocation of women.

Direct download: BVMSession4.m4a
Category:OLGC Presentations -- posted at: 9:25pm EDT





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